Our catalog includes a number of products of very high quality and resistance to various factors. In order to ensure effective service, we provide here some technical instructions.
In offered manwaydoors and screens, all parts such as bolts, clamps and cranks that do not come in contact with the end product, are manufactured from standard materials according to AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) 304/316L standard. Standard gaskets are manufactured from food-grade rubber, and are able to come in contact with food at max. temperature of 50°C and min. temperature of 18°C. On customer demand, we can offer gaskets made form such materials as silicone, Viton, NBR, FPDM. Selection of sealing appropriate for a given fluid is very important in order to avoid depressurization and to maintain all qualities of a product. Our catalog includes tables with temperature specifications for offered sealing.
Standard surface preparation means polishing or grinding. The surface is polished to mirror glare with precision of ± 1,4 do 0,6 μm.
Manwaydoors and screens tests for impact of pressure, tension and bending, the results from which are presented in this catalog, were conducted on product samples at air and water temperature of 15°C. Data concerning pressure, provided in every chapter: “P max., bar”, represent max. static pressure that our products withstand. Accidental increase in pressure may lead to product damage.
We recommend using our products in line with the above instructions and we recommend to periodically replace elements that are in constant contact with the fluid, which should guarantee proper operation of these elements for a long time.